I'm Wayne. I've been a musician most of my life, sometimes pro, sometimes just for the love of it. I've always had an interest in alternative guitars - particularly '70s Euro and Japanese ones. I made my first guitar when I was about 19. It wasn't really by choice, I just needed a better one than the crappy Japanese Kay I had and couldn't afford anything decent. That started a bit of a lifelong thing. However, it was always a struggle in London, where I am from, to find a decent workshop so I moved to the West country where workshop space is plentiful, and Zona guitars was officially born.
I think of what I do as a 'What if?' mentality. I have very little interest in building copies of other guitars and I don't really want to repeat myself either so I am constantly looking for new shapes and designs. Every design I make is hand-drawn initially, then meticulously refined digitally until every detail is correct. I will always try to find unusual parts (that I don't make myself) and put things together that wouldn't normally go. I look to create something truly special, unique, and utterly playable with every build.
There are four things I want from my guitars. First, they need to sound great, but not just like a strat in a fancy hat; I want them to have true character and difference. Second, they need to look amazing, totally special, and unique. Third, they should play perfectly, frets levelled and crowned, body balance spot on, everything just so. And fourth, they are made to be bloody played: to be gigged, to get scratched up and used, to get beer spilt on them. I do not make guitars to be hung on a wall and polished.
If you are interested in what I do, want some guitar-related advice or just wanna chat guitars, hit the Whatsapp button or contact me via the contact page.